ACES [Inc.] Clinics provide an original, innovative tutoring service. We are the first organisation to exclusively offer specialist tuition for students with learning disorders (e.g. dyslexia and dyscalculia) on a not-for-profit basis. Tutor colleagues share their knowledge and expertise enriching the learning environment for the benefit of all students.
Many educational remediation programs and software are mass-administered, generic and undifferentiated. For maximum effectiveness, students need to have individual, appropriate intervention which is rigorously administered and monitored by specialist tutors experienced in remediating learning difficulties.
ACES [Inc.] is committed to providing the highest quality professional service at an affordable cost. As a not-for-profit organisation, all income is channelled back into the organisation, ensuring students have access to current knowledge and resources. When funding is available, further subsidies can be offered to families in financial need. Commercial fees for a comparable service are around $180 per session (e.g. local speech pathologist providing specialist literacy tutoring).
ACES [Inc.] has a highly skilled and experienced team of professional tutors who are dedicated and passionate about assisting students to reach their academic potential. Senior supervisory staff have a minimum of a master's degree and most are engaged in ongoing educational research.
Dr Eugénie Kestel, PhD MSc Dip Teach, is the Executive Director of ACES (Inc.). She has a PhD from Monash University and a Master of Science degree from UWA. Eugénie's research area involves investigating effective interventions for students with learning disorders.Her PhD study compared the effectiveness of specialist mathematics tutoring delivered by personal video-conferencing and face-to-face delivery for students with learning difficulties. Eugénie continues to present papers at international and domestic scientific conferences. Eugénie also collaborates with colleagues to publish research papers for international scientific journals.
Read about some of Eugénie's research
Eugénie has worked exclusively with students who learn differently for over 12 years in intervention settings, both in Australia and overseas. She is heavily involved in the training and mentoring of specialist teachers and tutors at ACES (Inc.) and externally including teaching pre-service teachers at university.
In collaboration with the senior specialist teachers, she designs and supervises all of the individual intervention tuition programs at ACES (Inc.).
Eugénie is the parent of a child with a learning disorder.