Delivering Results

Delivering Results | ACES Education

OUR Mission Statement

"ACES [Inc.] offers parents and carers an evidence-based, affordable alternative to commercial educational remediation programs."


The aim of the association is to establish educational clinics throughout Western Australia providing specialist intervention and educational programs for students with learning disorders.

OUR Belief

It is our belief that every Australian child, regardless of socioeconomic status or other circumstances, deserves access to the best teaching available giving him or her the greatest chance of success in an educational setting.

OUR Model

ACES (Inc.) has grown dramatically over the last 12 years, increasing in both student numbers, tutor numbers and complexity of tuition required to cater for many different individual learning needs. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our delivery of service - in 2020 we formalised a new Case Management structure within the organisation which we believe has not only enhanced the delivery of an exceptional service to students, but also provided a solid foundation for the future growth of our unique organisation.

At ACES (Inc.) there is a lot of work that occurs behind the scenes to manage your child's specialist tuition program. This includes senior staff/ peer reviews; monitoring student progress using internal and external, formative and summative assessment data; ongoing professional development and upskilling of tutors; and, liaison with key stakeholders. In addition to this, each student is assigned to a Case Manager, who will be a senior, experienced staff member.

The case management model reflects the exceptional characteristics of our students, their range of learning needs and the fact that typically, they do not respond to conventional instruction. To maximise the effectiveness of specialist tuition, our students often require expertise beyond the skills and experience of a single tutor. The ACES (Inc.) collaborative model ensures that each student's evidence-based tuition is individualised to unprecedented levels. Incorporating the latest research findings into practice for individual students requires close liaison between tutors and experienced researchers and it is this practice that we will continue in 2024 to ensure that every student has the benefit of the wealth of knowledge and expertise of our staff.

OUR Strategy to Deliver Results

  • Initial assessment to determine each student's needs
  • Evidence-based intervention targeted to individual learning needs
  • Engagement of students in the learning process
  • Teaching of strategies for effective learning
  • Continuous monitoring of student progress and regular feedback to parents
  • Liaison with, and advice to, parents and teachers
  • Use of a collaborative model for intervention involving the whole team of our skilled and experienced professionals
  • Rigorous specialist training and mentoring of specialist teachers and tutors by experienced professionals
  • Ongoing professional development and sharing of expertise and experience
  • Provision of a centre where parents and students can access support from both professionals and peers facing similar challenges.


  • I can see the massive improvements my daughter is making and the change quality tutoring has made to her confidence levels. She walks out of both tutoring sessions, English and Science, filled with deeper understanding of the topic taught and belief in herself. She is working hard to put all that she has learnt into her school work. We can't believe the difference it has made and are truly thankful for the help and support she receives form her fantastic tutors.

    - Parent of Year 11 student, August 2019

  • I just wanted to share some good news. We sought tutoring for our daughter as she attained 36% in the standardised maths test at the end of last year. They completed a similar test in the first week of school this year and she earned 71%. Thanks for all your help it has obviously worked miracles.

    - Parent of Year 5 student, 2019

  • We have seen the benefits over the last few years and have witnessed great improvement in our son's English and Maths. I would hate to think where he would be, if we had never had him at ACES. It is hard to believe that he has been coming to ACES for almost 4 years now. His tutor has the patience of a saint, and the great rapport between her and our son has, I am sure, been a major factor helping in his engagement. All the tutors have worked really well with him and we would just like to take this moment to thank you for your outstanding service.

    - Parents of a Yr 9 student moving overseas

  • My son continues to enjoy attending ACES. In his own words 'people there smile a lot'. I loved this.

    - Parent of Year 3 student, July 2019